Because of the potential for fire, insurance companies require a regular cleaning of the entire system to pay out any money in the case of a fire. Insurance companies can even deny your claim after a fire if you cannot prove that you had a regular cleaning done. By having it performed by an outside company, it makes the validation process easier for the insurance company, which could help you get paid faster.
For insurance companies, a cleaned to “bare-metal” standard is required by many cities to pass inspections that are needed to remain in operation or to get started.
Regular Kitchen Exhaust System Cleaning is important to keep your kitchen safe from a fire.
You run the risk of your insurance company not paying out if you cannot prove you had a regular cleaning.
The “bare-metal” clean standard is required by many cities to pass inspections.
Recommended cleaning frequency depends on the type of cooking establishment. Below you will find an overall
guideline based on the type of cooking method used. These are general recommendations, other
factors, such as overall demand of the kitchen, will affect how often you should have your system cleaned.
Call us today and ask about our Professional Kitchen Exhaust System Cleaning Service!
10777 Westheimer Rd. Ste. 1100 Houston, Texas, 77042
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